LiDAR - Light detection and ranging
LiDAR sensors use light energy, emitted from a laser, to scan the surrounding area and measure variable distance. Essentially this creates a 3D CAD model from the data we capture.
The point cloud generated from the drone based LiDAR can yield up to 1.2 million survey points per second with centimetre accuracy.
This is perfect for capturing complex structures and delivering highly accurate models that can be integrated with existing CAD models of plant & equipment.
SLAM - Simultaneous Localisation & Mapping
Using the same technology as LiDAR, SLAM is great for use in GPS denied environments such as through industrial plants, indoors or underground. It can also be used on vehicles and even be handheld using a portable battery
2D & 3D Photogrammetry
3D Modelling uses sophisticated cameras and software to generate 2D Orthomosaic maps are great for planning and tracking your construction projects. They can also be used to capture an up to date status of your assets during floods or after a disaster so you can provide insurance companies precise information for your claim.
We can also use this technology to easily monitor the density and condition of remote National parks and bushland, this is crucial information that can be used to prevent devastating bushfires that we have seen in the past.
We can also capture 3D digital twin models. This technology brings your assets into the palm of your hands and onto your computer so you can measure, control, inspect, plan & engineer your next upgrades in a fraction of the time.
From this data, companies can implement virtual reality technology to the work environment which can be used for training development, production, maintenance and engineering. This is already being used on numerous offshore platforms where the restrictions of accommodation and flights make if hard for resources to physically access the plant.