Thermal Imaging

Thermal Imaging

The benefits of implementing thermal imaging are vast and apply to a range of industries

We can quickly identify and analyse data to provide detailed reports of your assets.

Lives have been saved by search and rescue teams adopting thermal imaging around the world. Our H20T camera can be used by departments to quickly locate missing persons or livestock as you can see below and provide rescue teams a GPS location to go straight to. We have the ability to carry out flights at all hours including night operations.




Thermal Analysis

We use specialist thermal imaging tools and software to detect defects and diagnose potential failures before they occur.

With the benefit of having thermal built into our H20T camera we can capture both images simultaneously to provide detailed real time analysis or your assets. With the added benefit of livestreaming capabilities which provides the ability to share data and information with engineers, vendors and other technical experts to anywhere in the world.

Renewable resources are quickly becoming the favoured energy supply over the traditional carbon based products. The Photovoltaic (Solar Panel) market is 595 Giga Watts of power worldwide and growing!

Like any other energy source, heat created from the equipment can reduce the efficiency of production and it can also be a tell tale sign of defects in solar panels. We can easily identify these defects and provide input to corrective maintenance actions. By keeping the equipment well maintained, you can reduce potential fire risks from degrading and faulty panels that cause hot spots & melt connections. Some of the faults that can occur and cause loss of production are:

  • Hot cells 
  • Hot spots 
  • Melted connections or fuses 
  • Broken panels 
  • Dirty panels 
  • Disconnected panels